It’s been a few months since I have given an update, so here we go!
So since my last update I don’t think I have changed all that much, and have just been immersing. After some discussion on the Refold Discord server about time tracking, I also decided to see what the benefits or downsides are if I would stop tracking my time. So I have recently I think for 2 maybe 3 weeks now stopped tracking my time. So far I noticed that I feel less stress of trying to hit a certain amount of hours a day/week. Besides that I think I do more fragmented immersion as well. For example when I have some dead time in between meetings, I just hop onto YouTube or a stream to get some immersion in, whereas I wouldn’t do that before because I found tracking it with time a hassle. I think this also continues on my earlier thought from a couple of months ago of just having fun, instead of seeing it as a chore.
The last few weeks I have still immersed but didn’t mine that many cards, because I have been quite busy with work. After work I was often to tired to really give it my all, so it was more relaxed. This did result in me not always mining my preferred 5-10 cards a day, also because I prefer to select words I find useful, and not just to increase my word count. Maybe I need to switch up the content a bit for me to get more useful words again.
I did finish up quite some shows I either started a while ago, or recently started like;
Now I am currently watching or planning to;
Now the thing I am still not doing enough, or so I feel, is reading. I want to read more as I feel like it’s really beneficial for me. But I just don’t seem to put myself to it, and I still haven’t really found out why. So any tips let me know!